Thursday, April 3, 2008


other miscellaneous great things from spring break

TOO TRUE ! i spotted this nugget of truth near maggie muds in that weird part of the city that feels like an old timey fishing town. this is probably the logic i would've used when i was about 11 to convey to my potential customers that i had serious empathy for their dogs and so they should let me walk them. did you notice the 'wandering jew' nose? the single arm and leg on the human? the mercedes tattoo on the dog yelling "jump on it?" -which is kind of weird command. i like that they let you know they won't overstep the boundaries and that they are progressive enough to have a sliding scale fee. i think this is a group of weirdos that i would want walking my dog.

monica's got an aviary in her sideyard.

this dove was set free and comes back.

i had those feathered assholes eating out of the palm of my hand

i saw so much great art over break. here are just a few photographable highlights:
chris johanson at jack hanley

this is kind of how i feel about everything. which is kind of how i feel about chris johanson's art, it just says whatever it is getting at exactly right.

oh look! it's Jay Howell's show at some dumb bar. It was awesome to see this shit in person. The worker is bigger than I thought it was for some reason. SO GOOD. the weird bartenders weirded me out so i didn't take many pictures, but it was really good.

randy and i rode to the chris burden installation at lacma. the sunset made it even more exciting.

speaking of lights, did you know disneyland has a psychedelic light parade in the california adventure side? well, it does.

this is the only photo that turned out. but there are a lot of mushrooms of light being driven around on gokarts.

we did so much awesome stuff in la. there should be a lot of pictures of the sumi ink club/lucky dragons opening at hope gallery, the tiny creatures opening, rodney dangerfield dvd watching and also the california video art exhibition at the getty. which were all AWESOME, obv.

there was also this party on a huge hill with a replacements cover band, dogs, and this huge ass teepee.

look at these balloonitics!

the future is pretty bright, ya know?

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